2. Christmas Scriptures for Prisoners’ Children in Egypt | The Bible Society of Egypt

A gift of $8 provides one filled backpack for a prisoner’s child 

The children of prisoners suffer greatly. Forced to bear the shame and pain of having a father/mother in prison, they are despised by society, and suffer from poverty. Your gift will help make Christmas special for these children by gifting them a colorful backpack full of Bible storybooks, games and puzzles to celebrate the birth of Jesus—the best present ever. Mrs. Ida says, “This is a huge help in our ministry!" Thank you so much for your love in sending us such beautifully illustrated Scripture gifts for the children.” 

Coptic priest, Father Yacoub says, “Thank you to the Bible Society for thinking of us and caring for us, and for this special focus on caring for the children of the prisoners." These people are easily forgotten and yet they are in great need, and it is so wonderful for you to provide this lovely gift, with valuable Christmas Scriptures and a colorful illustrated Bible. You have really made these children happy with these lovely Christmas gifts. You have made this a happy feast for them, and we are blessed by your support and thankful that each home can have the Scriptures.” 

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